About Us
Bartl GmbH is a medium-sized company located in Upper Bavaria, founded in 1974 as a manufacturer of funny and inventive packagings and promotional items made out of natural materials like wood, cork and cotton. These had their debut in 1976 on the international PSI trade-fair in Düsseldorf, Germany.

1974 - 1980
Founded in May 1974 by Johann Bartl as a manufacturer of innovative promotional items and packagings made out of natural materials like wood, jute and cotton. Anton Bartl entered the company as a shareholder in October 1974 and the product range expanded with inventive puzzles, games and gifts. Especially those funny mini-puzzles with their amusing stories have proven to be a bestseller. These had their debut in 1976 on the international PSI gifts trade-fair in Düsseldorf, Germany and a year later on the trade-fairs in Frankfurt and in 1978 at the Toy Fair in Nuremberg.
1980 - 1990
In the 80´s the product range gradually expanded and Bartl developed to be a renowned partner for retailers and the advertising industry. The presences on the most important international and regional trade fairs were continuously extended. Most products were manufactured by Bartl or were contributed by regional suppliers. The constant rising demand brought the young company at it’s limits of their personnel and especially its spacial possibilities. To the end of the decade there were more than 10 production buildings, warehouses and offices rented in the local area.
1990 - 2000
At the start of the 90´s it was time for a long needed expansion on many levels. The younger brother Franz Bartl joined Bartl GmbH as a shareholder after finishing University. The operating building was newly rebuilt and expanded according to demand. The number of employees doubled itself to more than 20 workers and Bartl was reorganizing from being a primary manufacturer to a wholesaler and importer. In 1996 a new chapter began with the first Bartl-Book. Toys and learning materials expanded the product range from 1111 products to more than 3000 products. The new versatility and the variety of locally manufactured products are still typical for Bartl’s catalogue today.
2000 - 2010
Partnering with high quality Asian brands from Taiwan and Thailand like I’m International, Dr. Ed & Toys, Ancona Montessori or GoGo Toys started in the beginning of the 2000´s and progressively evolved. In addition to that business relations were established with reliable manufacturers for wooden products and gifts in China, India, Taiwan and the Philippines. All Asian product partners were visited on-site by the Bartl purchasing department and regular personal contact has been maintained ever since.
2010 - 2020
The part of direct imports was further extended with brands like Wonderworld or PinToy. Especially the Bartl brand product line was expanded over time.
Since 2020
A generation change started in 2021. Franz Bartl left the company as a CO-CEO and shareholder. The shares were contributed to Simone, Tom and Marlene Bartl, who all have been in important positions inside the company for years. Simone and Tom Bartl are assisting management directors and have the power of attorney while Marlene is working as a freelancer in Hamburg.In 2022 the company founder Johann Bartl left after 48 years and the shares were transferred to the other shareholders. From now on the company is fully in the hands of the CEO Anton Bartl and his 3 children. That set the course for a successful future of the Bartl GmbH.
Our Motto is ...
… “humanity and joy of life” and that is the common theme for the relation with customers, suppliers and employees. Even though the products may not look useful (who needs a Hui-Hui-Maschine?), they bring a part of something that nowadays is often forgotten: Just a bit of Fun!

Acting environmentally conscious…
… has been in the centre of attraction since the beginning and not just since its “Mainstream” to do so. That reflects on the materials and also on the daily workflows. We attach great value for ecological products, these products are being carefully selected and tested for their longevity, quality and manufacturing processes.
But not just the products…
… especially the “people” are in the foreground here. Long-standing supplier relations, reliability, high quality standards and flexibility are the result. If necessary, the “impossible” will be made possible..